Vot-ER Toolkit

Help get nurses, students, and patients ready to vote.

Voting strengthens democracy and enhances health by giving people a role in the policy processes that affect all social determinants of health. However, approximately 33% of nurses and their patients are not registered to vote. NAHN is partnering with Vot-ER to provide resources that will assist nurses, nursing students, and patients to participate in civic engagement and have their voices heard through voting. 

What’s Vot-ER?

  • Vot-ER is a nonpartisan, health professional-driven organization working to integrate civic engagement into healthcare. 
  • They have partnered with over 500 hospitals, clinics, and other organizations to help over 47,000 Americans register to vote. 

What’s a Vot-ER Badge? 

  • An easy tool where patients can access a nonpartisan, self-service voter registration platform via a QR Code. 
  • Vot-ER badges are free for all healthcare workers and can clip onto an existing ID.  
  • An easy way to impact your patient’s health beyond the medical care they received.

What is the Toolkit?

NAHN nurses can use the nonpartisan Vot-ER Toolkit to register themselves and educate their colleagues, nursing students, and patients about voter registration.